James Klein Creative | 27405 Puerta Real, Suite 130 | Mission Viejo, California 92691 | 949.382-7970

Always thinking

creative team

We're not just looking for a few good projects, we're looking for a few good clients. These are the companies who are willing to make us an integral part of their marketing and communications team. Because we believe that to do our best work for you, we must invest in your company...and gain a greater understanding of the work you do and the clients you serve.

Our long-term relationships with our current clients are case-in-point. Many have been with us since we opened our doors in 1993.


The Irvine Company
DKS Associates
Insite Healthcare
Nuvis (landscape architects)
LBA Realty
Shea Properties
Bixby Land Company
Lennar Communities
Orange County Transportation Authority
Orange County Registrar of Voters
Valley Transportation Authority
Riverside Transit Agency
Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension
LA Metro
Plaza Bank
IHP Capital Partners
Arellano Associates
Clever Marketing
Kovach Marketing
City of Paramount
McKinley Family Dentistry
Bay Front Café

Clients: partnerships before projects